Sales Tech Consulting

Kyle Kuciemba

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Empowering Sales Success Through Innovation and Advocacy

Welcome to my digital business card! I'm Kyle Kuciemba, A Sales Technology consultant based in Lagrangeville, NY. Drawing from my background as a sales and technology professional and a Marine Corps veteran, I bring resilience and strategic insight to every endeavor.

my Services

Sales Software Consulting

Expert guidance on integrating and optimizing sales software to enhance business operations.

Custom CRM Build-outs

Tailored development of CRM systems to meet specific business requirements.

AI Conversational Bots

Intelligent bots that automate customer interactions through natural language processing.

Social Media CRM

Integration of CRM systems with social media platforms to manage and analyze customer interactions.

Social Media Automation

Automation of routine social media tasks to maintain a consistent online presence.

SMS and Email Automation

Streamlining communication strategies through bulk SMS and email campaigns.

My Contact Information:

+1 9142813489

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41 Velie rd

Lagrangeville, NY 12540

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